
Imaginary Šavnik: Illustrated maps

Participants: Maja Marinović, Jovan Kovačević, Petar Vujačić
Project organisers: Brigada (NVO NOVA and Art 365)
Šavnik, 13-19th September 2022

In this five-day workshop held in Šavnik, participants explored the spatial and cultural landscape of the town through the medium of illustrated maps. Using a base map as the starting point, they engaged in fieldwork, gathering information through direct observation, sensory experiences, and interactions with the local community. The objective was to create a thematic map layer that reflects a subjective interpretation of the space, moving beyond conventional cartographic representations.

Participants investigated how various elements of the town could be visually represented by borrowing from the language of cartography, but with an emphasis on personal impressions and sensory insights. This involved walking through the town, interacting with its residents, and allowing for moments of wandering and inquiry, all while reflecting on the unique characteristics and stories that could inform their map-making process.

At the core of this workshop was the challenge to question traditional perspectives on mapping, often dominated by an objective, "bird’s eye" view. Instead, the approach encouraged participants to think creatively and express a more grounded, nuanced vision of Šavnik. The result was a set of thematic maps that not only captured the physical space but also represented the intangible aspects of the town, such as its atmosphere, community interactions, textures and personal experiences.

By working with this mapping method, participants gained a deeper understanding of how maps can be used not only as tools for navigation but as artistic expressions that challenge our preconceived notions of place and representation.

Base map

The map construction include combining different sources of information in QGIS for a precise representation. Sources: OpenStreetMaps, Geoportal Crne Gore, Google Maps satelite view. 

The final version of the base map is designed with a neutral gray-toned base, serving as a foundation for participants to spatialize their thoughts and impressions during walks, and later as a reference for creating their own maps.


Participant maps:

“Opipavanje grada: Mapa Šavnika kroz otiske tekstura”
Autor mape: Jovan Kovačević

“Mapa misli, riječi i zapisa: Bilješke u hodu kroz Šavnik”
Autorka mape: Maja Marinović

“Šavnička razglednica: Ilustrovana mapa Šavnika”
Autorka mape: Petar Vujačić



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